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Social Work and Human Services Name: Institutional Affiliation: Social Work and Human Services Working as a social worker involves improving the quality of life among groups, famil...

Social psychology: xenophobia Student Institution Title: What is the role of increased unemployment rates and security issues in South African xenophobic violence? Research Questio...

Prison Program Participation and Recidivism Students Name Institution Affiliation AbstractDecades of research have solely put their focus on prison-based programs as the only way o...

A Research Proposal on The long Term Impact of Bullying On the LGBT Community as TeenagersABSTRACT Bullying in itself is not a new phenomenon with recent discussions on the sexual....

Depression and Intelligence of African American child Student’s Name University Affiliation Depression and Intelligence of African American Child Abstract The purpose of this dis...

Name Teacher’s name Course Date Young People’s attitude toward smoking. Introduction This study will analyze young generation's experience of smoking. This problem was chosen d...

Student Name Professor Name Subject Date Young People’s attitude toward smoking in the UK Introduction This study will analyze the young generation’s experience of smoking. Thi...

Income Inequality and Gender Bias The topic proposed for this particular research focuses on how the existing issues of gender bias in the community actually identify with the emer...

A community-based drug abuses rehabilitation center Student Institution Statement of Need An Indonesian anti-narcotic agency reported that the challenge of drug trafficking and dru...

Background Pandora Radio is operated by Pandora Media, Inc., and deals with music streaming and recommendations through the Genome Project. The company provides its services to a f...

Online Dating: Is it Trustworthy? Name Institution Name Online dating has exploded in popularity over the past decade. According to a survey by PEW, about one in four teens with......

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This is usually a point of interest that catches the attention of many while researching on sociology. This is more so on the basis that sociology deals with the relationship......

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject Date Sigmund Freud’s Impact on Modern Society Introduction In this paper, we intend to focus on Sigmund Freud’s impact on modern soc...

Scholars believed that B.F. Skinner’s view on reinforcement was derived and patterned from Thorndike's law of effect in 1911. This theory asserts that particular stimuli can func...

Job requirements Photography, Architectural Engineering, and Business Management Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date of Submission Introduction.Employment today has becom...

Developmental Psychology Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliation Developmental PsychologyPart One Jean Piaget was a developmental psychologist whose primar...

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Written Components of a Research Design and Research Conclusions Name Institution   Written Components of a Research Design and Research Conclusions Research is the process under...

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Influence of Personality on Behavior Student name Institution name Summary The paper explores a research on self-pity, anger and their behavioral characteristics and how they are r...

Theory of Mind and Autism Student’s Name Institution Affiliation ABSTRACT Insufficient time, since the situation was initially branded in 1943, a variety of concepts, has been pu...

Predicting Patient Outcomes in Psychotherapy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Prediction of patient outcomes in psychotherapy has been a focus of considerable in...

Sleep and dreams Name Institution Sleep is a condition that recurs severally every night, at this time the eyes could be closed and the nervous system relatively inactive, consciou...

Sociocultural Considerations in Adult Identity Name Institution Sociocultural considerations in adult identity Sociocultural factors are forces in the society and culture that aids...

Role of psychology in Eating Disorders Student Name Institution Affiliation Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u 1.0Introduction PAGEREF _Toc432084647 h 32.0Types of Eating Disorder...

Moral Development Student name Institution Moral Development Introduction Moral development is the way a person develops in morality from infancy to maturity. It is the way people ...

Your name Professor’s name Course number Date of submission Obsession In Psychology, there are different definitions of the term, “obsession”. Various scholars have attempted...

INHERITANCE OF PERSONALITY Name Instructor Institution Date Introduction Biological inheritance is passing off traits from parental organism to offspring. Inheritance is governed b...

Industrial Psychology Name of the Student Professor’s Name Industrial Psychology Industrial Psychology is an emerging field of practice, oriented towards the study of behavioral ...

Jean Paul Sartre-Personal Responsibility Name of Student Professor’s Name Abstract Sartre strongly believed on the nation that genetics does not designate the individual framewor...

Effects of Music on Mood Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Lecturer Due Date Abstract This paperwork analyzes the hypothesis on how music reduces the moods especially the n...

Psychology: Michael Jackson as a cultural object Student Institution Introduction Michael Jackson was born in 1958 and together with his siblings, they formed a group called the Ja...

Psychology Name Institution Course Date Abstract Sigmund Freud proposed a theory that argues that individual behavior is a product of the interaction of three mechanisms in the hum...

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Name of the Student Name of University General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Background and Diagnostic Criteria of GAD The criteria for diagnosing an indivi...

Effects of the Death of a loved oneStudent Name Institution Course AbstractThis paper is about the effect of the loss of a loved one. The loved one, in this case,......

Avoidant Personality Disorder Student’s name Institution affiliation Personality disorders are conditions that are considered to cause patterns of abnormal behavior in person. A ...

Self-Actualization Theory by Abraham Maslow Name Institution Abstract This paper conveys credible information relating to the origin of Abraham Maslow’s self-actualization theory...

Early Childhood Development Stage Developmental psychology is that field of psychology that deals with examining what remains constant and what changes take place in the in human b...

Gender roles Name Institution Introduction Gender refers to various meaning, beliefs, and characteristics that are attached to different sexes. When talking about gender, the value...

[Student’s Full Name][Professor's Full Name][Subject][Date] Steven Pinker While Steven Pinker is not a philosopher per se, his theories and thoughts step into the world of philos...

Name: Institution: Course: Date: Whitman and Van Gogh Attitude towards Nature Nature is an important aspect that influences interactions between human beings. The interaction of hu...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Identity and Childhood Education It is evident, with reference to the books we have covered this semester that the identities of the female characte...

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