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Free Innovation Essay Examples and Topics for Students

THE FUTURE OF THE SCHOOL We are many who agree that the current school model is increasingly obsolete and with great disadvantages when competing with the growing and diversified e...

The first video game never created The first video game that was created in history was Tennis for Two, this was created in 1958 by William Higginbotham. This video game......

The experimental design and its budget EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The facilities where experimentation animals are housed is called bioterio, and is the place dedicated to the care, paren...

The evolution of society from the dark era. Introduction: In the following analysis it will be developed from the most relevant analytical points that have been considered appropri...

The evolution of social responsibility and their benefit for companies ABSTRACT Today, it is known that both large and small companies are difficult to stand firm in the business, ...

The evolution of production towards total automation In the mid -eighteenth century, the production processes are carried out by hand, it was the workforce of the economy of a nati...

The current scenario: because today it is essential to work as a team The current world is evolving at a speed that we would never have imagined. In recent years......

The controversy on the issue of immigration There is a lot of controversy on the issue of the impact of immigrants in the United States. Many say that immigrants who......

The construction of an electronic brand The brand construction they have carried out and that these two companies continue to have and this is reflected in the essence of their......

The concept of digital marketing and its implications   No one doubts that digital media are part of the daily life of consumers. The use of the Internet is not......

The best restaurants in Puerto Vallarta: turning food into an experience In addition to its beautiful beaches, Puerto Vallarta has become a city worth knowing for its wonderful res...

The autonomy of electric vehicles Introduction To begin, we will introduce the following concepts that will be used later, such as EV, whose acronym comes from “Electric Vehicle�...

The application of didactic resources and its effect on the subject of Mathematics This issue draws attention in a transcendental way since mathematics problems are very notable wh...

Technological entrepreneurship in South America: an approach to its individual determinants The study by Zapata Guillermo, Fernández López Sara and Gómez Isabel Neira at the Fla...

Standard regulatory models and main authority Introduction The regulatory model is one that is centered under a main authority, known as director or rector, in which an internal an...

Sell ​​or innovate: the usefulness of a new product This essay is ultimate. Through this object of study, the question is raised an economic performance to create a fundamental...

Samsung: The story of a world brand Introduction For the next letter we have to review the reading of Chapter 3 of the book "Fundamentals of Marketing" and study the......

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Research Rhetoric Question  Introduction Lubricating oils are fluid used for their ability to reduce parts wear, provide better energy saving by decreasing heating, facilitating c...

Regeneration of new urban policies Introduction At present, it is presented as an epicenter of new urban policies to urban regeneration that is confused or combined with rehabilita...

Reflection on the Greek Tragedy of Antigona Antigone was written by Sophocles in the attic era of the seventh century.C. The work begins with the dispute between two brothers on......

Reflection and Critical Pedagogy Introduction As part of my training that I am starting in the world of pedagogy, and that to date was nothing more than the subject called......

Recruitment today At present, the emergence of new technologies and the Internet has revolutionized our life transforming to the simplest task, this fact is not only manifested in ...

Ragtime's musical elements in Scott Joplin's music Introduction With its origin located in the 19th century, the Ragtime musical genre is considered widely as the precursor of what...

Pygmalion effect as an academic tool  Introduction The pigmalion effect applied to the educational context refers to the expectations that the teacher has on the student, which ca...

Proposals to handle transphobia Until just two years ago, WHO and DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) considered transsexuality as a mental illness called...

Professional Leadership Keys today Introduction What is the reason for the success of some companies regarding other? Why do some projects prosper and others fail or maintain diffi...

Professional Ethics Model In every professional field, there is a code of ethics that helps to relate among people. This being a guide for good behavior. All professions have their...

Productivity and economy in Latin America Introduction Latin America after more than a decade of insertion into the world economy, it has not been able to overcome its problems of....

Poetry is not seen in high school This work is intended to offer a vision of poetry that is not commonly appreciated in the high school classroom. This was recalled......

Planning and Systematization of Teaching Practice Planning   In daily planning, different moments that occur within the establishment are reflected, to achieve the competencies of...

PHARMACY: The essential health sector for the economy The health sector is an essential part of the productive and social economy of advanced countries, it is a generator of wealth...

Museum: Potential architecture symbol Introduction The Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, projected by Frank Gehry and opened in October 1997, was built with the objective of activating the...

Monopoly: The producer market Introduction From my point of view, I understand that it is not beneficial that large companies have access to so much users' information. This practi...

Monopoly platforms Introduction The article referred to by the work to be presented is about several companies use their platforms to create a monopoly and as the same threat to......

METHODOLOGY TO PERFORM THE AUDIT OF A COMPANY Audit planning The first thing that should be done in a systems audit is how to planThe design of the methods, techniques......

Mental health as a perfect balance Introduction The present research work determines that, given the epidemiological health emergency presented in the first months of the year worl...

Magnetic levitation: Disease evaluation Introduction  MRI. No ionizing radiation (X -rays) is used. Magnetic resonance images (IRM) are called Cortes. They can be stored on a comp...

Magic realism: Chronicle of an announced death Introduction The text that we are going to comment is a fragment belonging to the chronic novel of an announced death, by the......

Lucía vs Amalia, 2 mamis pediatric influencers who take over the world Introduction Social networks are a great communication tool and have become essential in our lives. For pedi...

LED lighting innovation Introduction They are a small light source, which has low consumption and low temperature with long life. It is known as a modern and easy to control......

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