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Theories of doubt Introduction Descartes, on his way to the encounter with certainty, already raises the methodical doubt: he rejects as absolutely false everything in which he cou...

THE NEW TECHNOLOGY IN THE BUSINESS INDUSTRY Artificial intelligence. - The prosecutions that computers do, replacing human beings in industries, these programs include, reason and ...

THE NEED FOR A BUSINESS INVENTORY Every company uses at least some level of inventory management system. The best inventory management systems will not only maintain the product co...

The nature of meaning in people Introduction The first thing that can be testified is that it is by nature that certain senses are "superior" to others and that ingenuity...

The mysteries of the pictorial works When we visit the museums or places that have been part of our history, we can observe the paintings in which the most outstanding......

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The movie The Code Enigma The film is about the most important achievement in the life of the character Alan Turing, who being an incredible mathematical tells his story that......

The love defined as happiness, tranquility and stability Love is usually defined as happiness, tranquility and emotional stability, however it can also contract situations that gen...

The Japan Educational System Japan is considered a country with some of improve education in the world, but how can they have such a good education? And the best, but......

THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSICAL EDUCATION First, before starting this programming, we must know the importance given to auditions in the primary education stage. But what is a hearing? A...

The importance of leadership in administration The role that leaders assume in organizations influence the way people will react and the way in which the results are generated, a g...

The importance of ethics, morals, values and virtues in the military profession Introduction It can be said that ethics, morals, values and virtues are fundamental in the military ...

THE IMAGE OF GOD FROM THE CONCEPTION AND ORIGIN OF MAN Introduction The conception of man in Christianity made is based on the fact that God became a man through......

The illustration and emergence of this movement in Europe Illustration is called the Movement of Intellectual, Cultural, Ideological and Political Renewal that emerged in Europe as...

The Great Margaret Thatcher and Iron Lady Introduction Today there is a special woman that our politicians should look with respect and cleanliness, Margaret Thatcher. His politica...

The graphic design in the industries Introduction In the future you can impact graphic design on industries as much as industry 4.0 The majority of people think that they can......

The goods and their classification according to the Civil Code INTRODUCTION: The goods are necessary and important for people, because they allow to meet the different needs of the...

The film analysis The Truman show The film is about the life of a character (Truman) who remains locked in a fictional world and his life is controlled by other......

The emergence of banking in the fifteenth century In our day, banking, is a fundamental part of the world economy. Its role as a financial intermediary allows agents in need......

The earthly goods of man For this essay we will analyze a chapter of the book The earthly goods of Leo Huberman and the chapter is the 11 called "Gold......

The degree in Psychology Introduction  The following work aims to identify the basic concepts of maturation, development and learning involved in human development, analyzing thei...

The complexity of the Sonatas Introduction In 1993, Rauscher and collaborators found that the performance in intelligence tests improves whenever it is significantly heard when the...

The Communist Manifesto and its relevance in the world The communist manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 being one of the most important and influential...

The behavior of a psycho Introduction The individual behavior of man as a social animal develops in permanent interaction with social groups. Psychopaths have certain characteristi...

The art of war in the military battlefields The art of war written by Sun Tzu makes us enter the military battlefields, land and ancient China. Carrying out the strategies......

The Air Force as a historical component in the United States Introduction. In the 30s United States (USAF) already had recognition planes, since there was still no air force, the.....

Television of reality and its impact Introduction The impact that you want to achieve at the end of this research is to raise awareness in our environment the television problem......

Technology as a symbol, Blade Runner Introduction Technology as a symbol of reflection on the evolution and constant use we make of it if it is appropriate. One of the......

Summary of the work The art of war This book created by the Chinese author and strategist called the art of war, consists of 13 chapters in which we will......

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Substance consumption in adolescents in the last decades Introduction. Almost half of all high school students in Maryland have tried marijuana, while one in four last year student...

Stephen Hawking reasoning and posture errors Stephen Hawking was a British physicist and disseminator (he was born on January 8, 1942 and died on March 14, 2018 at age 76),......

SONETO 70 SOR JUANA INÉS DE LA CRUZ Introduction Sonnet 70 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz is one of the most transcendent figures in Latin America, not only in......

Some curiosities about Nelson Mandela Introduction Nelson Mandela was a man whom, 27 years in prison they did not break his faith, his good values and his human warmth. He......

Society and Deep Learning dependence The Deep Learning is not a recent research topic, in the year of 1950 Allan Turing made the publication of a research article called: Computing...

Social science from the 15th to the 19th century Introduction Social science from the fifteenth to approximately nineteenth century were seen as the conglomerate of universal ideas...

Sleep disorders Introduction Sleep disorders is one of the most relevant health problems in our society. The importance of good sleep quality is essential for a good quality of lif...

Scientific explanation of emotional reactions when we are listening to music Suppose you are listening to music quietly when that song sounds that makes all your hair stood. That s...

Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an imp...

Review about Amazon and its market position Amazon is the market leader in cloud infrastructure and global electronic commerce. However, when they face such a wide range of options...

Reflection on the existence of God Introduction. Before asking the question ‘Is God?’, First we have to take into account our philosophical predispositions. If, for example, I ...

Rebel behaviors also affect the family environment of children Introduction As much as they try to educate the little ones within some formation patterns, sometimes some boys are r...

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