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Free Psychology Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Vertical teaching practices in current education   From the theories of learning and the various psychopedagogical currents by which education has traveled historically, the impor...

Value theory according to important figures of society While it is true that there are many theories, regarding everything that surrounds the economic issue, the theory of value sh...

Use of cell phone to improve mathematical learning Introduction At present, the use of cell phone today is a necessity, rather than in a luxury as it was long ago,......

Use of art therapy in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (ADHD) Introduction The collection of 5 studies carried out in different years which pose art thera...

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Use and abuse of alcohol in the socialization of the university community Introduction The regular practice of physical activity seems to relate to beneficial effects, both physica...

Types of aggressors that cause bullying Bullying is a phenomenon that occurs in educational environments in which a child continues, some kind of violence over another. Statistics ...

Transhumanism and Eugenics proposals After having analyzed Ortega's philosophy and his supposed vision of transhumanism, I will expose, on the one hand, which I think is consistent...

Topics discussed in Alicia in Wonderland The themes addressed in the Alicia text in the Wonderland are very varied, they range from the routine that we take adults occupied with......

Tobacco consumption in adolescence Introduction, influences and social pressure When we talk about alcohol, we speak the most present substance in drug use in adolescents. WHO defi...

Time management from Aristotle's point of view Introduction In the conception of time from the point of view of Aristotle, he raises the questions of time about the problem of......

The world of Sofia and the impulsive force of adolescence Introduction A young woman who still has that impulsive force of adolescence, the natural magic generatedHis life, his bei...

THE WOMAN: A UNSVALLING Link according to the work 'Doll Casa' Doll House is a written theatrical play and published in 1979 by a Norwegian poet and playwright named Henrik......

The uniqueness of the human being in suffering addiction It is very common to talk about addictions, there are all kinds, among the most unique we find alcohol addiction, tobacco,....

The unique feeling love that deserves to be lived   Love is a unique feeling, which all people feel, be it family love, couple love, etc. There are many people......

The true side of human beings "Scratch the civilized man and the savage will appear" as can be seen in the phrase of Arthur Schopenhauer, as more civilized, critical or.....

The theme of intellectuality in non -formal education Introduction The following essay is intended to raise the issue of “intellectuality in non -formal education”, where it is...

The telecare of today with respect to health The term "telecare" is known as a home service that provides attention in an imminent way through the use of electronic devic...

The sympathy in the spectator: Divina Comedy The moral approval of the characters by the spectator is delimited by a set of values and feelings that generate sympathy in whom......

The study of neuroscience to understand the development of dyslexia Neurosciences gather classical disciplines and novel interdisciplinary fields, with objectives oriented to the s...

The student's tribulations in the novel Törless In life learning, many people state that you have to be rebel teenagers to be elderly wise. How much is true in this......

The social behavior and social fact of Durkheim The present work carries an analysis of the theory of the employment relationship of one of the greatest traders in labor law......

THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY AS DISCIPLINE IN THE INDUSTRY Introduction The present essay will focus on the subject of psychology as a discipline, for this the historical processes th...

The role of social protest against post -conflict The collective action plays a decisive role after the signing of the peace agreements signed by the Colombian government and the r...

The role of informative media in our mental health In a globalized world like today, we read, we see and/or listen to news to keep us informed. However, given the......

The rationality behind people's decisions In all aspects of life, we must face many decisions and problems that must be solved daily. Leaving the possibility that we can ask oursel...

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN SOCIETY   Sport is an important part of human activities. Competitiveness, effort, fame of athletes as a synonym for success and overcoming ...

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LOVE, PERCEPTION AND TRANSECTION   Love is a phenomenon that occurs in the lives of people from history, so it is not something new, however its conception......

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The Psychological Book Report Introduction The psychological report is a written, thorough and historical exhibition of the facts referring to a psychological evaluation, with the ...

The psychological approach of humanism and human empowerment Introduction Humanism, also called "by third force", is a psychological approach that originates as opposed t...

The profile of a university professor The university professor, is that professional who has to cause learning processes in the classroom, to know the dynamics of the same, select ...

The problem of child and youth abuse Summary The objective of this research is Abandonment, therefore these victims of child abuse have to violate their right and not only occur......

THE PROBATORY VALUE IN THE CIVIL PROCESS INTRODUCTION The end of the probative value in the Guatemalan civil process is to convince the judge on the certainty of the facts......

The presence of music in the development of children's language The first words themselves are pronounced for the first time between 10 and 12 months of age. However, it can......

The power of myth: myths today Introduction. Since the principles of history, myths have already been present in our culture as in the perception of the same. In recent times,......

THE POWER OF MEDICAL HYPNOSIS AS ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE   Introduction Together with humanity, medical sciences evolve with the passing of the years. Traditional practical methods a...

The philosophical tendency of empiricism INTRODUCTION This essay has been written to publicize various aspects of the philosophical tendency of empiricism. The various points to be...

The personal and social impact of computers Summary  Since computers made their first appearance they have had enough impact on our society. The first computer had a huge size, an...

The passion of jealousy in the couple Jealousy are and will always be present throughout the human species, have fulfilled specific functions for man such as survival. It is possib...

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The new advances in artificial intelligence Summary This research presents the creation of new environments that will help us understand new strategies and how technology goes to p...

The nervous system and neurons in human behavior As it is already known to generate when talking about the nervous system we are getting into a very extensive and complex......

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