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Free Adolescence Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Volunteer and involuntary abortions in the adolescence stage Lucía, a young woman who was attending the fifth year of secondary level in one of the most prestigious schools in the...

Vladimir Lenin and his influence on Russia's political-economic transformation Introduction. Vladimir Ilich Lenin, better known as Lenin, was simply a radical communist leader who ...

Violence as a significant problem in courtship According to Viejo (2014), VRN in the adolescent stage is a significant problem, not only because of the large percentage of cases of...

Use and abuse of alcohol in the socialization of the university community Introduction The regular practice of physical activity seems to relate to beneficial effects, both physica...

To the rescue of our childhood Introduction Life has many stages, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age, which are known;In them we enjoy life according to the inter...

Topics discussed in Alicia in Wonderland The themes addressed in the Alicia text in the Wonderland are very varied, they range from the routine that we take adults occupied with......

Tobacco consumption in adolescence Introduction, influences and social pressure When we talk about alcohol, we speak the most present substance in drug use in adolescents. WHO defi...

Thyroid cancer related to radiology At the level of many practices in clinics there are doubts about the risks to which health workers who participate in the diagnostic process wit...

The Zaatari refugee camp: infrastucure and survival Infrastructure The infrastructure in the Zaatari field is a great determinant of the safety and protection of refugees. While a ...

The world of Sofia and the impulsive force of adolescence Introduction A young woman who still has that impulsive force of adolescence, the natural magic generatedHis life, his bei...

The uniqueness of the human being in suffering addiction It is very common to talk about addictions, there are all kinds, among the most unique we find alcohol addiction, tobacco,....

The student's tribulations in the novel Törless In life learning, many people state that you have to be rebel teenagers to be elderly wise. How much is true in this......

The stage of adolescence and implications in growth According to the World Health Organization "Adolescence is the period of growth and human development that occurs after chi...

The social prejudices present in the work Jane Eyre The influence of social prejudices in the antagonistic characters changes the attitudes and ideology of Jane Eyre, because it is...

The socialization process Introduction The term socialization can be defined or interpreted as the process by which the human or individual being begins to enter society to adapt a...

The science of reading in today's world Reading, although it is a vital necessity for today. To the above is added another factor that demotivates reading and is the evaluation......

The sailor who lost the grace of the sea Introduction The sailor who lost the grace of the sea, written by Japanese Yukio Mishima and published in 1963. It is......

The role of socialization in our lives Introduction Something that we must be very clear is that we from the moment we are born are already human beings, that we......

The problem of child and youth abuse Summary The objective of this research is Abandonment, therefore these victims of child abuse have to violate their right and not only occur......

The politically correct, an issue about identity and racism Introduction Regarding the issue about identity there are too many theoretical approaches and conceptual definitions fro...

The myths established in adolescence Introduction Have ever wondered what is adolescence? Or why is it so special? Well, there are thousands of answers to be able to express them.....

The most important stage: adolescence The stage of adolescence is a very vulnerable period during which individuals begin to expose themselves to great risks. It may be one of the....

THE LITERARY WORK THE TRIBULATIONS OF THE STUDENT Törless The literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless", was a work written by the Austrian author Robert ...

The interaction of orientations and deviated behavior Introduction In recent times there is a renewed interest in incorporating personality variables into criminological theories t...

The influence of the motivation on learning a second language Introduction The situation in public schools regarding the learning of a new language is worrying. Even with the chang...

The influence of drugs in Ecuadorian citizens INTRODUCTION The intervention of drugs in the world has a long career during which its history has changed totally since it not only.....

The importance of the past Introduction At present, nostalgia is moving the world, since many people consider that it is better what they lived in the past to what they......

The importance of socio -emotional education in learning Regarding the importance of the importance and benefit of this type of learning in the learning of a person, the psychologi...

The importance of family assistance in the Justice Court of the Ventanilla District - 2019 Introduction The present investigation work is entit. The District of Ventanilla basicall...

THE IMPACT OF THE POSSIBLE DRUG LEGALIZATION Introduction One of the most controversial and delicate issues of recent times both in Mexico and in the world is drug use, the......

The impact of having a life project Introduction This work is a short appreciation of what my life project is, and the importance of elaborating one for the triumphant development....

The history of marijuana and its legalization How a simple agricultural plant, used for ropes and textiles, ended up classified as one of the country's most dangerous drugs by the....

THE GUARDIAN BETWEEN THE CENTENO: THE HISTORY OF A CURSE BOOK Jerome David Salinger was an American writer born in New York in 1919. Known mainly for his only long......

The game as a didactic strategy in the child's cognitive development Introduction The game is indispensable in the development of children, for this reason it must be implemented a...

THE FAMILY SYSTEM AND THE ROLE IN THE SOCIETY To begin the family, we could distinguish as the basic unit of society, which gives us protection, love, values ​​among other......

The duel of masculinity in men in a smeared world   Introduction The ideals in which the years of transformation of childhood to the adult stage are a conflictive and......

The dream is a physiological need that living beings have Introduction The dream is a physiological necessity that living beings have is considered as a phase of rest and recovery,...

The diseases caused by food disorders Introduction To introduce this essay, you will start talking about a brief meaning of eating disorder. This exposes an extreme variety of conc...

The different behaviors that a person has in terms of personality disorders Introduction Through the investigation carried out we must identify what is the personality? So it can b...

The difference between self - esteem and self-concept Introduction self - esteem is one of the oldest concepts in psychology, classifying it among the three main covariables in per...

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