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Free Britain Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Student: Professor: History Date: The Rise of Nationalism Nationalism is a sense of identity to a nation with a common language, shared culture and is historically connected. Natio...

Student's Name Professor's Name Course Title Date Mandatory Mediation (Challenges and perspectives) Conflict resolution has become a rigorous process that is not only time consumin...

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Number Date The Anglo-Boer War in South Africa The War was battled between Boers and the British. The Boers were battling for their free...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Leadership Styles Leadership is the process of guiding and giving direction to a group of people in achieving a certain task (Liebler, Joan and Char...

Name: Instructor's name: Course: Date: Common Sense and the American Revolution Probably, Thomas Paine has been mentioned in almost every scholarly historical text that touches on ...

Student’s NameProfessor’s Name Course Date Immigrant Experience in America Introduction During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, millions of people migrated to the United...

Role of Technology in Armed Conflicts Student’s Name Institution Affiliation The Role of Technology in Armed Conflict in the 20th century Introduction With the rapid advance in t...

Name Instructor’s name Course Date Political, social, and economical impact of WW1 on European History World War 1 had the global impact on drowning of national boundaries, empir...

Student Name Subject Instructor Date Assignment – Research on a country at war The American Civil War in the mid-1800s and the ongoing Syrian conflict have had tremendous effects...

How World War Two set the stage for the Cold War Name: Institution: Date: Abstract Realism and liberalism foreign diplomacy ideology were the main factors that led to World War......


THE IMPACT OF SEVEN YEARS OF WAR ON BRITISH EMPIRE Name: Course: November 24, 2015 Introduction The seven years’ war, also known as the French and Indian War officially began......

Student`s name Instructor`s name Course number Date The effect of British Rule in Indian Politics and Economy: The British happened to be the most organized and effective governmen...

Is English a universal language? Student’s name Institution affiliation Introduction English is the most used language internationally. It has been used as a language that unites...

Last Name: Name of Professor: Course: Institution: Date of Submission: Should Parents Select the Sex of their Siblings? Introduction Children sex selection is a controversial topic...

James Bond Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction James Bond, a fictional character in James Bond films with certain extraordinary macho abilities, and a cultural ...

Cultural Conflict Name Institution Date Cultural Conflict The Nigeria Biafra war took place between 1967 and 1970 in Nigeria. The war was at first attributed to religious conflict ...

Student’s NameProfessor’s Name Course Title Date Is the death penalty moral or essential? Should it be legal? Introduction The death penalty has been a subject of great scholar...

Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name Date: Institution: WEALTH INEQUALITY IN THE US SINCE 1913 Introduction To come up with a wealth estimate, this paper capitalizes on incomes as...

How Successful Was President Roosevelt At Reducing The Rate Of Unemployment And Inflation During The Great Depression? Name: Course title: Instructor: Date: The Great Depression...

Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality Name of the Student Name of University Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality Education is strongly influenced by class barriers, which has been notable ...

World War II: The American Experience [Student’s Full Name] [Institution’s Name] Introduction World War II remains as a highly relevant conflict in the United States' history. ...

International Relations Name: Institution: Introduction China has moved from being the world’s leading opponent of globalization and the most prominent disrupter of the creation ...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Atomic Bombs on Japan United States planned to bomb Japan on 1943 May during the Second World War. In the September that followed the British leader...

How the United States Won the Cold War The Cold War is the name given to the struggle between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR......

What caused the American Revolution. American Revolution was the precursor of the national independence gained in 1776. It was a political upheaval that took place within 1765-1783...

America and the Great War Name Institution The First World War, which is also known as the Great War, began in the year 1914 and ended 1918. The war was......

1984 and The Illuminati: What do the theories say? Often considered to be one of the greatest books in the world, Nineteen Eighty Four, by George Orwell has always been......

Name Professor’s Name Course Date Blacks in the Holocaust Background Information Holocaust was a period between 1941 and 1945 where a genocide took place in Germany under the Naz...

[Name of Author] [Course] [Name of Tutor] [Date of Submission] How Settlement Helped Create Europe Europe in the seventh century had seen many struggles, turmoil, pain and death. T...

Name Course Name of Tutor Date The 1968 Europe The postwar period of between 1945 and 1968 constituted a district era in European history, it was a time that saw......

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date1776: Washington's Narrow Escape British soldiers had arrived on the Staten Island on July 2, 1776, when the Congress had voted for t...

Effect of the French Revolution on the Role of Women in a Society The French Revolution affected the roles of women in society in several ways. The revolution marked a......

Name Professor Course Date The 1812 war Introduction and Background information The 1812 war was a military war fought by the United States of America. The United States of America...

Name: Instructor: Course: Date HistoryThe Colombian exchange also known as the Grand exchange was the widely spread transfer of plants, human populations, culture, animals, technol...

HOW FORMAL AND INFORMAL IMPERIALISM DIFFER DateImperialism is a way of widening the powers and influence a country has through colonization or exercise of authority to the less pri...

Working in modern: society Student’s name Institutions name W1 Individual in the society are affected by work as a result of bureaucratic arrangements in the workplace. Individua...

Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union were allies in 1954. The two had jointly triumphed over Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in World War II. Within a few......

Communications Student’s Name Institution Affiliation In employment law, a BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification) refers Purposefully sharing and passing ideas and informati...

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Name: Professor: Course: Date: The Roman Empire 1 (A) Octavius was a man of the people. During his reign, there were severe challenges due to the cold war. People fought......

Management Overview Student’s Name: Course: Institution: Date: How would you define leadership? Leadership has got a larger definition, and we all view it in different and unique...

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