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Information book Student’s Name Institution Activity 2 An information book is a type of a book that deals with expository writing or a kind of writing that clarifies or explains....

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name English 28 February 2017 My Experience with Academic Writing Successful academic writing requires not only the writing skills but also imaginat...

Name Instructor Course Date of submission Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare commonly referred to as England's national poet or the ‘Bard of Avon' was an accomp...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Unit 7 Assignment-Argumentative Writing The last decade has seen an important increase in the number of social media users. The grow...

Name Instructor Course Date During my research process, the electronic books were my favorite. The E-books are generally in electronic format (Gunasekera, pg.13). Therefore, I coul...

Student Name Instructor Course Name Date The Maltreatment of Liquor and Medications Peer Editing Review For any research paper, it is important to familiarize yourself with the acc...

Name Instructor Course Date Pepsi Advertisement Analysis The advertisement appears on a red background, with a man running towards an unseen destination. However a print "RUNNING T...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Bicycle Lovely Bicycle website is a great weblog that features reviews, stories, and miscellanea, emphasizing on the handmade...

Student Professor Class Date Website Creation for Seeing Ghost Through Ancient Mirror The website, Seeing Ghost Through Ancient Mirror, develops an understanding of pseudoscience a...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The prologue by Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet in her poem the “The prologue” focuses on what the audience perceives it means f...

Communicating Change to an Organization Student’s Name Institution Abstract A communication plan is vital for any company that intends to implement change. The Kotter's stage mod...

From: Stacy Joe To: Walmart Inc Date: December 19, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my frustrations having transacted with your company Walmart Inc. I......

Feedback Paper on a Review of Research Study Name Institutional Affiliation Feedback Paper on a Review of Research Study The review of the study titled Difficulties with Multitaski...

Soap noteName: Course: Tutor: Date: Soap Note S: The client stated had an 18q deletion problem. Her condition affected many areas like feeding, personal hygiene and also toilet ...

Phoenix Advertising Analysis Name Institutional Affiliation Phoenix Advertising Analysis Outline Purpose of the investigation and nature of the problem Causes of the problem Lack o...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date of Submission My learning process was memorable because the research gave a deeper insight into the topic which revolved ar...

Psychology Student’s Name Institution Psychology A lot of data is collected every day, for example, the hours a person sleeps at night. Statistics offers a platform to make se...

Reflective Essay on Weapons of Mass Destruction Students name Course Date I am writing a reflection to a paper done by Michael Horowitz and Neil Narang on Weapons of mass......

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Written Communication Written communication entails any form of interaction that applies the use of the written word. Any effort inv...

Task-Specific Case Studies Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Complete the chart below using your test book Lang & Birkenmeier pages 17 – 19. Case Study Task Interven...

Operant Conditioning Name Institutional Affiliation Operant conditioning is a kind of learning where consequences control a person's behavior. The alterations in behavior occur bec...

Task-Oriented Approach Student’s Name (Institution) Task-Oriented Approach Q1. Under the Task-Oriented Approach, the most recommended method for assessing the range of motion is ...

Stock market summary Name Institution At the closure of the trading activities on the Mong Kok Stock Market on Thursday, various changes could be recorded for the day. In particula...

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Musical Capacity Discussion Link: Accessed: 22/9/2018 From the look of things, i...

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Fred Ziffel Versus Oliver Douglas IRAC Analysis Name Institution Fred Ziffel Versus Oliver Douglas IRAC Analysis Issue 1: Does Fred setting a date by word of mouth and Oliver agree...

Ways to Save Name Institutional Affiliation Ways to Save To achieve a $1000 savings in my emergency fund account by May 30th 2020 with the help of earnings from working......

Name Instructor Course Date Writers’ Blockers Writers experience a condition called a writers’ block, which inhibits them from productivity. This condition does not only presen...

Name Institution Professor Course Date From: To: Cc: Subject: MEETING REQUEST: IPHONE X SPECIFICATIONS FOR SALES Date: 1 Aug 2018, 21:56 Hello Sir, I am writing this email as a......

-1988914400Erica Blakely 25 Harmony Avenue Bloomington, IN 47403 (812) 555-6338 00Erica Blakely 25 Harmony Avenue Bloomington, IN 47403 (812) 555-6338 April 6, 2020 ADDRESSBLOCK f ...

Theo Progress Note Name Institution Progress Note Student: ________________________________ Date: _________________ Theo continues to make progress in handwriting and paying attent...

Name of Student Name of Instructor Course Code Date of Submission Library Tutorial What I Have Learned About Sources When looking for information required in the assignment, it is ...

Name: Professor: Subject: Date: Journal Entry Prewriting This is the primary stage of the writing process followed typically by drafting and revision. It consists mainly of a combi...

Check-ins and Checkouts Name Institute Professor Course Date Several issues need serious attention from both the landlord and the tenant when is moving in the estate and when the t...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Sexual Harassment The act by Bill Jones constitutes sexual harassment. It is a verbal form of sexual harassment whereby he has the h...

Tesol Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: The attitude with which a professor or teacher passes the comments from the assignment is critical in ensuring that the student is moti...

LEARNING SKILLS Name Course Date Introduction Learning skills can be defined as the procedure of gaining skills by studying, implementing, and sometimes from practical experiences....

Name Instructor Course Date My writing process Writing is a critical step in the learning process of an individual. It's through writing that one can effectively be evaluated to de...

NameProfessor Date Course Correctness in Writing How do errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation affect the relationship between the writer and the reader of an essay? Correct ...

Creating and Delivering Presentations Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Abstract Completing proper research comprises of the various distinct steps that start from conduc...

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Name Professor DubuissonCourse Number Date Request for Make-Up Exam I am writing to request for a makeup exam after I failed to do the exam at the appointed time due......

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